An In-depth Analysis Of Valuable Whey Protein Isolate Solutions
Consumers awareness of micellar casein is still growing, said Rexroat, even though it’s “been out there for a few years.” Some consumers assume that micellar casein will always be a more expensive protein option—something that Rexroat says isn’t necessarily true. “The price isn’t necessarily going to be higher than a milk protein isolate,” she said. “[The price is] going to vary by processor, so someone who is interested in micellar casein should look at all the processors that are out there and talk to each one” about pricing, Rexroat said, noting that there are currently about four or five micellar casein suppliers in the United States. Grass-fed dairy products also continue to trend, although some consumers may be misled by some of the messaging grass-fed claims imply, Rexroat said. Currently, said Rexroat, U.S. supply of grass-fed dairy products is still limited—a fact that has given international dairy-producing countries like New Zealand that do specialize in grass-fed a competi...